Wasted day
Wow. It’s been a long while since I felt like ignoring the blog. Usually, I’ve got something interesting, but today’s been a big goof-off day. Movies, Xbox, lots of brain-numbing activity. Nothing to see here. Move on. Move on.
Wow. It’s been a long while since I felt like ignoring the blog. Usually, I’ve got something interesting, but today’s been a big goof-off day. Movies, Xbox, lots of brain-numbing activity. Nothing to see here. Move on. Move on.
After work, Justin and I headed over to Danny’s for a quick post-work drink. We found out though, that the place doesn’t open until seven, so we headed around the corner to Coast for a bit of sushi and tea. Ended up talking a lot with the bartender at Danny’s, mostly about computers and such, trying to troubleshoot his Mac….
Dear Ms. F, Best of luck with the operation tomorrow, and hoping it’s a speedy recovery. Well-wishes heading your direction. -Felix
Hamlet: The Text Adventure. Internet, I fucking love you. Link via Boing Boing.
Totally useless and self-indulgent, but I don’t care – I want one. I’d go Infrared all the way, baby! Link via Ektopia.
Will, Chris and I headed over to Happy Village to play some chess. Normally, Will and I attend the Wicker Park Chess Club at Myopic, but tonight we opted to try out the fabled “lawn chess” set at Happy Village. Initially, we were told that there was a party scheduled for out back, and so we couldn’t use the set….
Another silly image, along North Avenue.
Justin invited me out to the Empty Bottle tonight, but though the band sounds pretty interesting… I’m choosing to stay in tonight. Not sure where this big solitude swing kicked in, but I’ve noticed it a lot lately. I wonder if this has anything to do with the increased sleepyness, and/or the fact that I’ve got workers in my apartment…
Dear Gretchen, Thanks tons for the phone call today, during work. What a lovely surprise! You rock. -Felix
I’ve been up earlier in the mornings, due to the renovations going on in my apartment lately. Today, I was on the Damen platform and waited for two full trains to pass by before I could even attempt to shove myself inside a car. Once in, the thing was packed. I was wedged near the door, and there wasn’t much…
by Kevin Stein Had I freed the one-legged cricket twitching in the roses’ spider-webbed twilight,I’d become Patron Saint of One-Legged Crickets Twitching in Spider-Webbed Twilight.I’d be Saint of Cracked Song, Patron of the Incomplete and Longing.But then, saintly though I might be, the spider goes hungry. Anyway, there’s already a multitude, patrons of the broken web, unrisen bread,lost keys—so many,…
I read the poem (below) on the train this morning. On first encountering the title, I thought to myself “Oh shit, this poem is going to suck.” I’m not a fan of long lines, and the overly abstract title made me think I was in for a certain degree of polysyllabic pretension. But wait. By the second line, I was…
Had a somewhat late night tonight (stuck around until about 8PM, working on a project for New York). Tomorrow will be a late night as well, but lessened by the progress I made this evening. This morning, the workers told me that they expected to be done with everything this evening, and that today would be the last day. On…