Archive for September, 2005

The Apple Lady: Request Lines are Open

For those that aren’t familiar with The Daily Apple, it’s a great blog that covers a different topic with each post. In addition to some interesting trivia, each post also contains helpful links to sites that provide a more in-depth look at the topic at hand. Have a question you were itching to ask? Some little bit of trivia, or…


Neato Nano

Jane had a birthday over the weekend, and her boyfriend bought her an iPod nano as a gift. How cool is this thing? Everyone at the office immediately gathered around, ooh-ing and ahh-ing. “Impossibly small” is a pretty great tagline. They weren’t kidding.


On the way to work

Fitting, given this morning. I ended up going back to sleep around 6 AM, and waking up at 6:30 (the workers are coming back today to finish installing the new waterheater/ducts).


5:19 AM

Fell asleep on the couch earlier last night, and just woke up. A little groggy, a little disoriented. I wasn’t kidding about the sleepy thing, recently. Right now, I don’t know whether I should try to wake up more, or head back to sleep for a few more hours. Well, until the workers show up here again, that is. I’m…



Been feeling reclusive all day today, and puttered around the apartment. For some reason, I’ve been super-tired the past few days, just sleepier than normal. Tonight, I was invited to another cookout at Justin and Howard’s. Lots of good food (wild salmon and monkfish if I recall), but despite how fun it would be… I ended up skipping out. Tonight…


Early Night Tonight

The workers came this morning again. I thought they’d be done, but apparently there’s still more adjusting or something. Instead of letting them in and heading back to sleep, I realized that I needed to shower immediately, as they would be cutting off the water. So – another early morning. Thankfully though, there’s hot water now. Calling it an early…


Chess, Anyone?

I ended up cancelling on plans I made with Will last night, to play chess. However – we’ve rescheduled for next Wednesday, which should prove very exciting. We’ve both heard rumors of a large chess set at Happy Village, big pieces designed to be played on their lawn out back. I heard Louie (one of the bartenders there) mention playing…


Sometimes, it just falls right in your lap

I normally take my camera out right near the corner of my street, at North Avenue and Wood. Today, mere moments after I shoved my lens cap into my pocket… I see this: Although this one is on the outside, this is not the first skull and car photo I’ve taken. Or the second, for that matter. I could have…


Justin Spins at Danny’s

Headed over to Danny’s about 10PM, to listen to Justin do his DJ thing. I’m not too up on the DJ scene, but Thursdays seem like a good spot – that much closer to a Friday or Saturday. Not too shabby after only having started last October. Hung out with Howard, Will, and two of Will’s new new roommates for…


Small City

As it turns out, today’s photoon Gapers Block is by Jessica Davis. And seeing her name instantly made me think of Alicia Frantz. A long while back, the night I met Alicia for the first time… I met Jessica as well. I don’t know what to really say here. Only that I was reminded of Alicia for the first time…