Archive for September, 2005


by Felix Jung Every day to work I pass the samecrazy man, standing sentry nearthe Wells Street bridge. He playsa battered, black guitar, singingas he shuffles in a pair of blood-redshoes. He’s never begged a dimefrom me, contented in his tunelessmelodies, a song that barely driftsabove the drone of morning traffic. His guitar is missing strings.His laceless shoes flop sloppily,a…


Water Heater Note

My landlord is doing some work on my place – adding in a new furnace/water heater thingy. I let the workers in this morning, but came home tonight to find this big thing standing in my living room, all my doors closed and tarp covering one wall. Turns out, they had problems fitting this unit into the wallspace, and were…


Chipotle Access, Human Error

First off, let me rave here a bit about how much I love the Chipotle web site. It’s been more or less the same design for years now, and I just dig it. Simple interface, elegant design, well-integrated with their branding, and playful without sacrificing the professional. In addition to being able to fax in an order (and avoid the…


A smiley-face full of coins

Today, Chris brought in his container full of coins. Apparently, this is the total sum of all the change that’s come out of his pockets, at the end of each work day (over the course of the past year). This one proved a challenging guess. As you may have seen, the prior guessing games involved much larger quantities, with people…


Gapers Block!

Logging in to my work computer this morning, I saw that one of my photos was featured on Gapers Block today. What a great surprise to find, first thing in the morning! I sent in several photos to them a long time ago, and got my first photo taken last June. For anyone interested in the back story behind today’s…


On the way to work

I’ve seen this tag for a while now, and only today did I decide to take a photo. On the glass of the door is written “OATMEAL,” and beneath it “GRANOLA.” I’m figuring this is some sort of tag (made by hippies?), since a second door about 20 feet away also has “GRANOLA” on it. Looks like someone took a…


Everyone… Meet Jane

She’s our newest designer, who started with us last week. Seeing as how I’m including new employee pics, it’s only fair that I include the first day pics I took of Chris, the one I took of Kashif, and the one I took of Mike. And hey, while we’re at it: here’s a link to my first day.


Purchasing Prints?

This seems a bit weird to consider, but it’s come up a few times now… so I’m asking. Do you folks have any interest in purchasing prints? I don’t think my photos are all that great, but I’ve gotten a few requests lately. Not quite sure how all that would work, but my first step here is ascertaining if there’s…



I’m home. My cat is on my lap. I’ve got some strong coffee. I’m playing Sam Cooke, and singing along rather loudly.



Misjudged the delivery date for a project at work, that’s due tomorrow. I forgot that today was a holiday, and factored in today as a work day. Doh. So… working on Labor Day. Yay.


Happy Birthday, Matt!

Headed out the door and ended up walking to Jewel to buy beer (the nearby store was already closed up, seeing as how today was a Sunday). I was a bit worried that I had somehow missed my chance to buy booze on Sunday, as I had problems buying beer about a week ago. Thankfully, there are no cutoff times…


This, apparently, is the weekend of naps

Came home, settled on the couch, and ended up conking out. Hard. I slept through a few phone calls, and by the time I pulled my ass off the couch… it was time to shower and head over to Matt’s for his birthday party.—–——–