September 4, 2005
Got a call from Howard last night, inviting me out for Dim Sum this morning. I met up with him and John, and the three of us made our way toward Chinatown, where we were meeting Phil. En route, we ended up swinging by one of the stairwells in New Chinatown, where Howard showed us where he had carved his…
September 3, 2005
Cleaned up a good deal today, as Chelsea was heading over to watch movies. We ended up ordering some pizza from Pizza Metro (I’m convinced they put heroin in the cheese). Beer and scotch, and a crapton of movies. We both have Netflix, and between us we had a silly amount of DVD’s to pick from. Chels, it turns out……
September 2, 2005
I’m a big fan of the West Wing. I don’t watch much TV, but this show got its hooks into me and I’m just addicted to it. So much so that I refuse to watch any of the current episodes. I save them up, and buy the season on DVD so that I can then binge at my leisure. I…
September 2, 2005
Big thanks to both Kent and Alex, who wrote in to clarify that giant inflatable rat from a few days ago. Turns out, it wasn’t related to the pest control place at all, and was all about the new construction site on North Ave. According to Kent and Alex, the rat is used by protesting union members to indicate the…
September 1, 2005
08/28/2005 08/29/2005 08/31/2005
September 1, 2005
We’ve got a new designer on board at Emmis Interactive, and her name is Jane! Her first day was today (she showed up at 8:15 AM!), and it’s been a blast having her around. And as though on cue, today was a flurry of activity (moreso than normal), which made for an interesting first day I’m sure. I mentioned the…
September 1, 2005