October 31, 2005
Steph and Liz invited me to attend a costume party this evening at Subterranean. Liz didn’t get home until about 10PM, so I ended up going over there myself ahead of them, and check out the place. I had never been upstairs at Subterranean before. Color me impressed! A pretty slick stage area, with an open ceiling that allows the…
October 31, 2005
Chris, working the Luchador mask. Matt, literally with bells on.
October 30, 2005
Fucking. Awesome. Looking great, Jake!
October 30, 2005
From: JakeTo: FelixSubj: Boston version of the Operation Game costume Thanks for the great Idea, it was a huge success. Here are the pictures. My wife dressed up as a surgeon. I made it with a 9 volt, some aluminum foil a dc buzzer and some leds that strapped to my nose. Next year I need to bring a straw…
October 29, 2005
Very important meeting. Lasted all day. Sorry – I didn’t take any notes.
October 28, 2005
I was heading over to Exit to meet up with Liz and Steph, as it was Liz’s 30th birthday. As it turns out, today was also Mingus’ birthday, and I was hoping both groups would get together for some celebrating. Hot Donna, looking her meannest. Erin and Matt, doing his best growl. These were friends of a friend of Liz’s….
October 28, 2005
Mingus, a friend from twelvestone, was going to be in town today. More than that, he was giving a reading at Quimby’s, right up the street from me. The reading itself was part of the Perpetual Motion Roadshow. Well, Jeff (aka FlamingoJeff) ended up driving down from Wisconsin to attend the reading and grab a few post-reading drinks. And, truth…
October 28, 2005
This was on my way in to work. Saw the area being set up. As it turns out, the final stopping point of the White Sox parade was Wacker and LaSalle, literally just one block over from where we work. A little before noon, we all take a walk over to catch the “ticker tape” parade. Everyone goes, even Chris….
October 28, 2005
My friend Andy was let go today. He’s a stand-up guy, and though I don’t claim to know the inner workings of the Marketing/Promotion department… Andy was the kind of guy who prided himself on a job well done. My company’s decision to let him go was an out and out mistake. We should be fighting to keep guys like…
October 27, 2005
October 27, 2005
Spotted this at the Damen/North/Milwaukee trisection, on the way home. There were barricades all around this corner, and everyone walked around. But looking in, I noticed a pigeon had walked across this thing like he owned the joint. I got a good laugh, and had to pull out the camera.
October 27, 2005
Leaving work today, this stopped both Chris and me in our tracks. I was reminded of how awed I am by where I work, remembering the first time I looked out on downtown Chicago after work. And the first time I saw it at night.
October 26, 2005
At first, I thought this was a joke site. But then, I watched the video on how to fold one… and wow! How awesome is this thing? Check out the Pocket Mod. Give it a whirl by clicking on the button on the top right. And on that page, check out the video. I passed the link around to my…
October 26, 2005
This morning, as I was waiting for the train… I noticed a couple standing across the tracks, on the opposite side. The man looked over and, apparently, saw my train (the one headed downtown) turn the corner. He quickly kissed his wife/girlfriend, and then walked down the stairs and over to my side of the landing. As the train pulled…
October 26, 2005
Many months back, I mentioned to Ben that I had been looping Sufjan Stevens’ Casimir Pulaski Day incessantly. He mentioned to me that the lyrics to that song were quite good, and had moved him on more than one occasion to sadness. At the time, I was only really hearing the music, the notes. “Listen to the lyrics,” he told…