Coin Guessing Game: The Felix Variation

Brought in my big bag of coins today, for yet another fun-filled coin-guessing game.

For those unfamiliar with this game, here’s some backstory:

1) The first ever coin-guessing game.
2) Matt’s Bag-O-Money Challenge
3) Justin’s Quarterless Bag of Money
4) Mike’s Water Cooler Jug
5) Matt’s Bog-O-Money Challenge 2
6) A Smiley-Face Full of Coins

The story behind my coins? I’ve been filling a small stand-up ashtray with my change off and on, ever since I quit smoking (around the same time I started the blog). That’s maybe 3 years now, give or take. At one point, when the ashtray got to overflowing… I emptied it out into a plastic bag. I did this maybe twice, before finally dumping all the coins in my apartment into the bag, and lugging it in to work.

I had to triple-bag the guy with three plastic bags. And put it in a backpack, so I could actually carry it. Weighed like a ton.

Oh! I almost forgot! To spice things up a bit, I decided to throw a monetary incentive into the mix. If someone guessed the correct amount (plus or minus a dollar), I’d give them $10.

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