Archive for November, 2005


by Ted Kooser After the funeral, the mourners gatherunder the rustling churchyard maplesand talk softly, like clusters of leaves.White shirt cuffs and collars flash in the shade:highlights on deep green water.They came this afternoon to say goodbye,but now they keep saying hello and hello,peering into each other’s faces,slow to let go of each other’s hands.



This morning, on the train ride in to work… I recognized the guy standing next to me. Didn’t remember his name at all, but I remember being introduced to him the night that I met Alicia – earlier this year. For a brief moment, I debated saying something to him. But, ultimately, decided against it. After all, what could I…


Justin @ Danny’s

After work, I putzed around the house a bit and spent an hour or so at Filter, working on an idea for a poem. I didn’t make much progress, and ended up crossing out almost everything I had written down But, I guess it’s that many more bad lines I’ve gotten out of my system, before the final poem comes…


freaking sweet

From: AnthonyTo: FelixSubj: Vending Machine Bet $70? I shant do it for the money…but for the love of the game. Also, you may document the process, but I’d like to come to the station without any fanfare. If I can’t eat everything in the vending machine in one day (9a-5p) I shall gladly reimburse you for the food. I’ll be…


Dear Anthony – Challenge Accepted!

I’ve shown your email to everyone else here at the office, and we’ve pooled a bit of money together. Since you seem so confidentabout your own gastric prowess, perhaps you’d like to put your mouth where our money is? So far, we’ve got $70 with your name on it, if you can eat one of every item in the Q101…


Intestinal Fortitude

From: AnthonyTo: FelixSubj: Vending Machine Bet Felix, Felix, Felix… I let Chris’ White Sox beans bet and the Arby’s bet slide. But the vending machine bet? Come on. Where has the intestinal fortitude of the station gone? If I was still at the station I would bet my unborn children’s livers that not only could I digest the contents of…


Justin at Danny’s

Justin’s spinning at Danny’s tomorrow night. I think it’s from 10 PM – 2 AM. Swing on by and say hello. I’ll probably not stick through until 2 AM, but plan on being there until midnight or so. Come on by and, if you can find me, I’ll buy you a drink.


Abe – you magnificent bastard! I salute you!

I was surprised to see the above email pop into my Inbox this afternoon. Out of nowhere, Abe goes all top rope on me! It figures, really. He’s the one who does all the Q101 Morning Show Prank Calls. I replied all with something semi-funny, but really… there’s no retort equal to that sort of shaming. I got served something…


I get f@&#ING SERVED!

From: AbeTo: Entire WKQX Station, Entire WLUP StationSubj: Congratulations to Felix from interactive For finally getting on the cover of BPM magazine. Congratulations!!!!!


Thanks, everybody!

I got a lot of responses from folks, about the whole drum quotation thing. I’m still not 100% how I’m going to incorporate a quotation, but I still *think* I want to utilize one. It’s weird to try writing again, but I’m happy I’m trying. This poem in particular is an odd one, mostly because it seems to call for…


Quotation Request

I’ve already sent an email out to my drummer friends, but I guess posting my question here can’t hurt. Does anyone know of any good quotations about drumming? Preferably by a drummer? I’ve had a poem in the works for a while now, and I think one of the moves I want to make is to include an actual quotation….



Got back to Chicago earlier this afternoon. Tonight, I tried to write some (read: I looked over some old poems). Got distracted by the blog, specifically – older blog entries. I ended up sifting through the past few months of my life. And god damn, this site is pretty darn impressive, if I do say so myself. Lots of pictures,…