Sushi and a Movie

Met up with Chelsea tonight, and the two of us had dinner at Kamehachi in Oldtown (thanks Ben!).

It’s been ages since I’ve had some real, genuine sushi (the food court stuff at work just doesn’t quite cut it). Tonight was very good, and very indulgent. Between the two of us, we can pack away a goodly amount of sushi… and tonight, we were almost beaten by our meal.


I got my staple pieces, but we did try out a few rolls and I dipped into some fatty tuna and some eel I hadn’t tried before. My favorite thing on the menu here was the Green Turtle Roll. There was some tempura in the middle of the roll (light enough that it crumbled in your mouth), and some amazing wasabi sauce covering the entire roll itself. Highly, highly recommended.

Chelsea, about to show the sushi who’s boss.

After dinner, we headed over to the Landmark to catch Sarah Silverman’s Jesus is Magic.

I recognized her from when I saw The Aristocrats. In my talks with Chelsea, I learned that she was a big fan of Silverman’s, and expected to be in for a pretty funny, vulgar, offensive show.

All in all, I enjoyed the movie (it was pretty quick overall, weighing in at about an hour ten). There were some interstitial “skits” thrown in, building this larger sort of story around footage from one of her stand-up shows. While I think breaking out some of the songs was a good idea, some songs were more successful than others.

I found myself comparing her a lot to Stephen Wright. Silverman adopts this interesting persona on stage, where she throws out some outrageous lines… but then acts as though the audience’s shocked laughter is in some way affirming her outrageous statements. It’s a funny effect, but I didn’t find myself laughing all the way through. As I do when listening to Wright, I found myself caught in specific moments, laughing periodically rather than consistently.

As with all good comics who aim to provoke, Silverman is an equal opportunity offender, playing around a lot with race. And while the various groups she targets are predictable, she finds new ground to tread.

I was particularly fond of the movie’s end, where she does a singularly unique version of “Amazing Grace” (in three-part harmony, no less). My hope is that that small segment of the movie gets passed around on the Internet. It seems so perfect, it’s only a matter of time.

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