I realize I’ve let the blog go recently. No real excuse other than I started my vacation, and I’ve been slothing it up pretty badly. Lots of West Wing episodes, lots of ass-on-couch action.
Also, I’ve been migrating a lot of my data onto this new iMac. It’s a slow process, but I think I’m fairly close to being done. Tonight marks the first official blog entries I’ve done on this guy – that’s pretty exciting.
Right now, I’m enjoying the new machine a great deal. But the one thing I dislike is how SLOW I am. I’m much faster on a PC, and I guess it’ll just take some getting used to, working with a new keyboard, a new OS, a bunch of new apps.
I had a lot of macros pre-recorded on my old PC text editor (TextPad), but right now I’m using a Trial of BBEdit. I have yet to figure out how to record macros/scripts. Not a huge deal, but I use macros to, for example, wrap text with the appropriate tag – be it an image, or a link, or even inserting the proper code to set up a new “section” on the page. All this stuff I’m now typing in manually for the time being… until I figure out how to record a damn macro. I guess I relied on shortcuts a lot more than I realized, because updating the blog tonight was just plain annoying.
Ah well. I’ll have time enough to muck with things next week. Off to go do some more laundry.
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