Sushi + Drinks
I wanted to be a good host today, but my body was dragging after last night. After a quick (and all too short) nap, I made plans to grab some sushi with Gretchen and Abby over at Bob San.
After a long wait (it was pretty packed, as it was Saturday night and I hadn’t made reservations), we got a table at the bar.
A long while back, I saw a rather odd item on the menu here. It was a sort of shooter – I’m guessing oysters in a shot glass, with a layer of tobasco and a small egg on top. I had always wanted to try it, and tonight I decide to be a bit adventurous. So I ordered one.
I’m not someone that does shots often (or well), so this was going to be interesting. That, and I don’t really care for spicy stuff either. As I threw it down, Gretchen took this video:
In my sleep-deprived delirium, I ended up ordering us way, WAY too much sushi. To the point where, as I was patting my stomach unable to eat more… the dishes KEPT ON COMING OUT. Oy vey.
I tried to eat as much as I could, and we packed up all the rest. I think the sushi chefs were laughing at us a bit, seeing us discover our eyes were bigger than our stomachs.
The three of us headed over to Anne and Michelle’s place, to met up with them. Anne was celebrating her graduation, and had a lot of folks visiting from out of town. We showed up, offered them our sushi, and opened up some beers. We sat around for a bit, chatting and watching Family Guy.
After a bit, I felt like moving the party onward… so me and Abby and Gretchen headed over to Innertown. Since Anne was waiting for some more folks to arrive, we decided we’d meet up there. En route, we gave Dave and Howard a ring, and the two of them swung by Innertown.
Gretchen, Abby and Dave.
Gretchen (hiding again) and Anne.
There were a ton of these buttons at Anne’s place. I guess her folks had a ton of them printed up, and her brother was wearing one when I arrived. At the bar, I got my own copy (which I still have). It’s a bit blurry, but I’m fairly certain you can make out how awesome it is, still.
Nothing says night-on-the-town without a visit from the Tamale Guy.
I forget how long we stayed at Innertown. Anne and her group were bar-hopping, and we decided to stay put instead. We may have closed down the place, we may have left around midnight… I can’t remember.
Gretchen and I ended up back at my place, where the two of us hung out and chatted for a few hours. Towards the end, I got pretty groggy, and ended up having to crash out early. Well – I say early, but hanging out with Gretchen, you always feel like you’re getting tired early, as she functions fine with very very little sleep. The two of us made plans to hang out tomorrow, and we said our goodbyes circa 3 AM.
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