The feverish gambling finally pays off
A while back, many of you may recall we had a little game here in the office. It involved a small bouncy ball and the Lord and Master Stein™.
Well, since then the game has grown in difficulty. Ever since Gretchen sent me all those wonderful bouncy balls, we’ve been using the larger blue ones for the game. Since they’re bigger (and bouncier), it’s been a pretty difficult going.
So far, Ned was the first to sink the ball. And I got it once before. But since those two times, it’s been a long, dry spell. Coworker after coworker has stepped up to the challenge, offering up 25 cents for five throws, only to miss time and time again.
My friends, this has been going on for weeks now. To the point where actual paper money has entered the equation.
And today? Yours truly sank the ball in the stein. And my winnings, you ask? How much was really in there?
Of course, I’m guessing at least $10 of that was mine (and another $10 belonged to Chris). I like how there’s a freaking $5 bill among the winnings. I shudder to think what would have happened, had this pot continued to grow.
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