Chelsea and Vince
I stopped over at Chelsea’s after work, to pick up some keys and to run over some last-minute details with her. She’s heading out on a pretty awesome camping trip, and I’m checking in on Mr. Vince while she’s away.
Random couches I encountered, near Chelsea’s place.
I got the rundown on where all the cat supplies are, and the two of us caught up a little bit. I got to see a lot of what she was bringing, basic camping gear (backpack, sleeping bag, one-person tent) and some fancier items as well (portable stove, water filtration system). It’s a big trek she’s making, and sounds like it’s going to be a total blast. She’ll truly be roughing it, as once she and her friends hit the woods – they’ll be incommunicado for the duration of their journey.
Vince was mostly keeping his distance from me today, but I’m sure that’ll change over the next few days. It’s been a while since he’s seen me, so he’s naturally wary. Expect a lot of Vince photos in the days to come.
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