Archive for June, 2006

Lincoln Park Zoo

Entryway – Lincoln Park Zoo. I should mention that Liz let me drive her Vespa today (I drove to breakfast, and to the zoo). Lots of fun, as we left North Ave due to traffic and zipped up some side streets. The Seal tank. One of Liz’s favorites, we hung out here a good long while. Truth be told, I…


Bongo Room

I’ve been wanting to go to the Bongo Room for breakfast for some time now. This morning, Liz and I started off our day doing just that – brunch at the Bongo Room, and then off to the zoo for an afternoon of hanging out with animals. The coffee here is great, and though we didn’t land a table –…


Meeting Me for the First Time

Prior to our meeting, I looked over some of the photos again on Flickr – partly because I was curious who I’d be meeting, and partly because I wanted to check again… to see how much we *really* looked alike. I looked over some of Vlada’s photos, and some of Ko’s photos as well (Ben, who’s been the key pointperson…



Just got a call from Vlada, and she gave me Ko’s number. Talked with her a bit, and she said we also sounded a little alike. Weird! Also just got off the phone with Ko. Looks like they’ll be in the city at around 9PM, and he’s going to give me a call. Hopefully we can meet up for a…


Here goes…

To: melovescookiesFrom: FelixSubj: Doppleganger? Hello – My friend Ben stumbled across one of your photos a few days ago, and noticed that I look remarkably like a friend of yours. Ko is it? I’m not sure if he’s in Chicago or not, but I know I’ve had several people mistake me for someone else, or talk to me as though…


Ben makes contact

Today on IM, Ben tells me that he sent an email to the Flickr user who has all those photos of my dopplegänger. He and her have exchanged a few emails, and she’s also pretty stricken with the similarities. Ben encourages me to send her an email.


Drinks with Matt

Met up after work for a few drinks with Matt. We geeked out for a long while, and chatted about online communities, web dev, stuff like that. I’m not sure how, but we got on the subject of camping a bit – and that’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a long while now. I know several folks who…


Dopplegänger, Flickr

Ben was on Flickr looking around some, and stumbled across someone who looks like me. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy who my friend Matt saw and photographed, a week or so back. Crazy! And Ben noticed a photo where he’s on a CTA train, so it looks like he’s here in Chicago. Wow. In a few…


Goodbye Anne

After the game, I stopped over at Liz’s and the two of us made our way over to High Dive on Chicago. I don’t frequent Chicago all that much – but High Dive was an interesting place. Nice interior, and pretty deserted for a Thursday night. We were there to say goodbye to Anne, who recently completed all her classes…


Das Boot

Today, Liz officially becomes the first person I’ve actually known in Chicago who got the ol’ boot. Heh. Awesome. :)



Did I mention I’m getting money back? I’m a sucker for waiting this long. Year after year, I’m late getting my taxes done. And all I do is prolong the time it takes for my money to get back into my hands. No more! Next year will be different. I swear it.


Taxes Shmaxes

This is embarassing for me to admit, but here goes. I haven’t done my taxes yet. Although, to be specific, I guess I should say that I haven’t done my taxes yet since 2004. Yeah. Told you this was embarassing. But – today’s the day to fix all that. I was given the name of an accountant (James Kamin) through…



What’s crazy with this blog is that I can sometimes pinpoint the exact day that I learned of something, or heard about something. Case in point: I first heard about Cereality on August 17, 2005. Cereality is a speciality shop where they serve… you guessed it, cereal. But the catch is that you get to create your own mix of…