June 19, 2006
I’ve got a cloud of negativity surrounding me currently. Not sure where this came from, but it’s here and I can’t seem to shake it. The personal project that’s been consuming most of my free time lately has suddenly fizzled out. I’m not sure if it’s my unhappiness with the layout or design, but the fire that kept me thinking…
June 19, 2006
Today marks the first day of construction in Norway for a global security vault in Svalbard. In the event of a large-scale, global disaster, the vault is designed to protect millions and millions of seeds, from almost every type of food on earth. “Seed banks” like this exist in countries across the world, but the one in Svalbard is designed…
June 18, 2006
At work last week, Mike asked me for a link that I passed around a while ago. In doing some digging, that particular link led me to another site that I recalled, and another site, and another site. This is more on the business/presentation side of things, but still interesting nonetheless. Here are a few cool links (and videos) for…
June 18, 2006
Came across a fascinating article about Craigslist and CEO Jim Buckmaster’s decision to not go with ad revenue. I love how user-centric the Craigslist model is, and I wonder if it won’t pay off in the long term. Originally posted on MetaFilter.
June 18, 2006
Pianolina – a Flash experiment that’s simply fantastic. Not the greatest screenshot by me, but nevermind that – go check this thing out!
June 17, 2006
A few days ago, I had heard about the Fast Forward Film Festival – a fun project where a group of people create a film within twenty-four hours. The idea of participating in something like this seemed kind of interesting (although, not having done much camera work… I’d likely be serving as a writer). But today, I got call from…
June 16, 2006
June 16, 2006
June 15, 2006
I broke down and bought a set of stamps. Stay tuned.
June 15, 2006
At the end of the day yesterday, I started feeling a bit woozy. My head felt off-kilter, and if I turned around quickly – I got this dizzy sensation. The closest I could describe it is how you feel when you get a low grade fever. On my way to the train, a few times I almost had to stop…
June 15, 2006
Ned, one of the many talented sound guys who work at the station, came back today to show off a custom stamp he had made. I had no idea such things were possible! But yes! You, too, can create your own customized stamps at PhotoStamps.com. Sure they’re more expensive, but hey – they’re pretty nifty. Of course, I had to…
June 14, 2006
Ok. Some backstory here. Trail’s End popcorn is the brand of popcorn that the Scouts sell, in order to raise money for local troops. But they just don’t go into selling popcorn cold – no siree bob. They have a training video. And in that training video? Actors. Or, should I say, students who excel academically and can recite lines….
June 14, 2006
Liz and I were talking on IM today, and she brought up the idea of having lunch together. The last time we went out during the workweek was back in April – so it’s definitely been a while. And while I usually balk at doing things spur-of-the-moment, I’m really glad we went today. Liz knew of a spot right next…
June 14, 2006
June 14, 2006
From Wikipedia: A doppelgänger is the ghostly double of a living person. The word doppelgänger is a loanword from German, written there (as any noun) with an initial capital letter Doppelgänger, composed from doppel, meaning “double”, and gänger, literally as “goer” (though in this context, the meaning is closer to “walker”). In English, the word is conventionally not capitalized, and…