
It’s been super busy on the work front. For the most part, I’ve been working at home on work projects every night, since about Sunday, trying to get caught up. I’m heading away to Indianapolis this weekend, so that’s a factor in my increased workload.

It’s pretty busy at work right now. So much so that any plans I make in the present tense, I’m making with an eye to potential ramifications over the course of the next four or five days. It’s weird to be in this kind of mindset, but right now I’m in this perpetual state of thinking 7+ days ahead, sometimes more.

What sucks is that next week is going to be more of the same. Right now, I’m scrambling just to keep caught up with stuff so that, come next week, I can be available when it hits crunch time for yet another project that will be coming close to deadline.

I guess this is the trade-off, now that we have more people on board – more work, more projects, tighter deadlines. It is the busy season for radio, after all.

Liz has been pretty fantastic this whole time. I’ve not been able to spend much time with her, but she’s still cooked me dinner on more than one occasion, helped me run errands. We’re planning on a date night next Tuesday, but that’s going to be the first non-work evening in like over a week for us.

Apologies on the lack of updates lately, but it’s been busy.

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