I’m presenting at Apple! Well… Maybe.
My friend Will (aka RogueDesigner) pointed me to a thread that my friend Jeff (aka persist) posted on twelvestone. There was a call for project submissions, for folks who wanted to participate in celebrating Flash’s 10th birthday. The presentation, sponsored by the Chicago Area Adobe Users Group, will take place at the fancy Apple Store, on Michigan Ave.
I sent in one of my more recent projects (You Are I Am), and got some really positive feedback. The organizer, Michael Schaffner, told me that he’s already got 8 speakers lined up to present (each speaker gets 15 minutes), but that he would like to fit me in at the end. No promises, but if there’s time then I’ll be the 9th.
The idea of presenting at Aapple is pretty sweet, though I don’t want to get my hopes up in case there’s not enough time. So, I’m heading there on Monday evening… notes in hand, for a presentation that I may or may not give. Regardless of whether I get up though, I’m sure the presentation will be pretty neat. Flash users from all over Chicago, from a wide range of disciplines (AS coders, designers, illustrators, animators) will be presenting.
How cool would that be though, if I got to present stuff at Apple? :)
In case you’re interested to hear me speak (maybe), the event details:
Date: August 7, 2006
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: The Apple Store, 2nd Floor Theater
Address:: 679 North Michigan Avenue
Details: Chicago Area Adobe Users Group
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