
In the spirit of Annual Experimental Peanut Butter Jelly Feastravaganza, I present to you our newest group-meal: Supercalifragilisticexpiali-DELICIOUS!

Inspired by our recent outing to Cereality, Ben decided he wanted to organize our own take on the cereal smorgasboard. He proceeded to outline the rules (everyone brings one box of cereal, along with one topping) and managed the list of invites, trying to avoid doubles wherever possible.

Milk enough to feed a small army. Cereal.

Ben, setting up shop. Notice how the number of cereal boxes has quietly grown in size.

L to R it’s Ben, Angie, Kashif and Anthony (who makes his first appearance back, since the Vending Machine Challenge™).

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since Anthony left Q101. We need to find a way to entice him back.

Toppings galore. The fresh fruit, in my opinion, really kicked things up. Combining cereals was fun, but the fruit on top was really like icing. On a… um, cake. That’s floating in some milk and uh… well, you get the idea.

One of my three bowls of cereal for lunch. This is a combination of “Pirates of the Carribean” cereal (yes, it actually exists), Cinnamon Toast Crunch and strawberries (thanks to Liz), all on a bed of Cocoa Pebbles.

Even more toppings. Of note, the jar of honey that Anthony the Beekeeper brought, from one of his hives.

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