
Work has been kicking my ass lately. I think it’s been a solid week and a half where I’ve done nothing but work stuff, at every free moment. I’m stressing about upcoming projects, and my ability to complete them on time. I’m finding myself devoid of passion for what I’m working on, looking only at trying to get a project completed as quickly as possible.

I’ve turned down social invitations a week out, just because I know things will get bad by then (and I anticipate working through the weekend). I’ve been seeing Liz less, which is problematic, since work has taken priority over the relationship. Or, more accurately, I’m allowing work to impede into our relationship. We’re trying to see each other when we can, but it’s tough trying to carve out the time.

Overall, I’m grumpy and moody, and not all that pleasant to be around. I’m finding myself sighing out loud often at the office, in response to emails and people alike, and that’s not something I normally do. I’m trying to keep my head down and my shoulder to the grindstone, but it’s wearing on me. I know there’s another week of this at least, but maybe after that things will ease up some.

For the time being, the current projects seem to be under control. It’s the upcoming ones (three by my count), the ones that are slated for production next week, that stress me out to no end. I’m factoring in working this weekend to get stuff done, and the crazy thing is that those calculations still lead me to think that next weekend will be a working weekend as well.

Sometimes, I dislike the fact that my coworkers know about this site and read it. This particular entry sounds so much like bellyaching to me, when the truth of the matter is that all of us are hit pretty hard at work. It’s been a bad spell for a lot of us, and I don’t want to sound as though all of this is falling just on my shoulders. It sucks all around.

A few days ago, I was out by Liz’s apartment, waiting for her to show up. I was sitting on the steps, just waiting, watching the cars go by on Division. I cannot tell you how relaxing, how good that felt: not doing anything. The sheer act of inaction felt good to me. Now that’s just fucked up.

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