Tiki Party
Liz and I swung by Liz and Steph’s, for their annual Tiki Party. Sadly, the weather wasn’t too cooperative, as we had to huddle a bit, under an awning during a very light sprinkle. However, the clouds did clear, and we ended up moving back out into the yard.
A pretty little monkey, that Adam and Jenny brought along (the monkey also is wearing some kind of grass skirt).
As always, some delicious food. And I’m kicking myself for not getting shots of their awesome tiki mugs and drink accessories (think straws and pinwheel drink stirrers, fresh fruit, etc).
Sadly, this is the only picture that even came close to coming out. By the time things got going – it was already pretty dark out, and I didn’t feel like hitting folks in the face with my flash.
I got to talk to Jim and Christine briefly (who I met at the last party here, some weeks back). Also, I met a pretty cool guy named Adam and his girlfriend Jenny (who’s in the same Library Science program as Liz and Jim). Adam and I talked a bit about architecture, and I found out a lot more about his degree (Urban Planning). Good talks, and I hope to run into him again soon.
It was an early night for us tonight. By the time it hit about 10PM, Liz was pretty tired out and we decided to sneak off for a little time to ourselves. It’s honestly felt like ages since we got to see one another, so we’ve been trying to get caught up.
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