August 19, 2006
I was in the office today, and during one of my breaks – I walked over to the window and just stared at all the people walking by. This is a small ritual on the design side of the room – get up, stretch, walk to the window, and back to the desk. Today, I noticed a small girl running…
August 18, 2006
Work has been so hectic lately that Liz and I just took it easy tonight, and spent the night in. We ordered some pizza, watched Anchorman, and generally laid low. I really wanted to go see Bryan for a bit, but my energy level was pretty low. By the time I arrived over at Liz’s, all I really wanted to…
August 18, 2006
My coworker Bryan (aka Peabe) is participating in another show – Sneakerpimps. Cool stuff – he’s also going to be doing some live painting tonight as well. I didn’t get a chance to post this in time (this post is sorta being done, after the fact). But you can check out more of Bryan’swork Bryanon his site.
August 17, 2006
Taking a trek to Indianapolis, with my coworkers. We’re doing a business field trip, eating lunch at my parents’ restaurant and visiting corporate HQ. Bad timing, since this comes right in the middle of a huge work week. But it’s a nice, forced relaxation period, before things get kicked into high gear. I’m away from a computer for a day…
August 16, 2006
Taking a trek to Indianapolis, with my coworkers. We’re doing a business field trip, eating lunch at my parents’ restaurant and visiting corporate HQ. Bad timing, since this comes right in the middle of a huge work week. But it’s a nice, forced relaxation period, before things get kicked into high gear. I’m away from a computer for a day…
August 15, 2006
Work was nonstop today. Been getting my ass kicked by projects, and this weekend’s looking to be more of the same. Went shopping after work with Liz, which was really pleasant. Got some new clothes, if you can believe that. :) After that, I tried to get some more work done – but dinner, email and packing for tomorrow’s trip…
August 14, 2006
August 14, 2006
Nothing’s really happened lately to the yard, but I decided to take a photo anyway. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a photo of the makeover… and it’s been a while since I’ve been home before dusk. So today felt like it was the right time to snap a quick pic.
August 14, 2006
Warning: link contains audio that auto-triggers. Today we launched one of our first ever Flash games (sort of). It’s really not a game, and more of a fancy interstitial whose ultimate purpose is to allow for user registration. Chris has been the primary on this project, and did all of the heavy lifting in terms of coding character motion, for…
August 13, 2006
Liz and I went to hang out with Justin at his DJ gig at Clubfoot. His folks were in town to help celebrate his birthday, and so I got to see them as well. Didn’t take any pictures, as I was pretty low energy the whole evening. But we had a good group there: Dave, Chris and Leslie, Allison, Chris…
August 13, 2006
August 13, 2006
This delightful video totally made my morning. A big download, but very worth it.
August 13, 2006
Another weekend day in the office. Huzzah.
August 12, 2006
The gates down in the loading dock come down, preventing access to the bicycle rack. This happens sometime between 6PM and 10 PM.
August 12, 2006
Spent the day today working with Chris in the office. During one of our pauses, I spotted this seldom-seem effect, where the flags outside wrap around themselves, forming a checker pattern.