Garfield Park Conservatory
During the afternoon, Liz and I took a field trip over to the Garifled Park Conservatory. For Liz, it’s been over a year since she’d been; for me, this was my first time.
Sometimes, I’m amazed at how large and sprawling this city is. Other times (like today), I’m amazed at how close things can be. I always thought the park itself was a good distance away, but it was less than 10 minutes by car. All this time, things were turned around in my head.
I’m not going to add much commentary here, mostly because I wasn’t really paying close attention to the names of the rooms/areas we were in. I feel like I’ve fallen off taking pictures in public, and that I’m a bit out of practice. Feels like it’s been a while since I’ve done this.
Damn. I haven’t realized how long my hair’s getting.
Possibly my favorite pic of the day.
I was taken by all the intersecting lines.
Somebody got a haircut!
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