What? Why? How? And Yet…

I’m not sure what to think of this promotion. Much like R. Kelly’s “Trapped in the Closet,” this is either one of the most ill-conceived projects… or a brilliant one. It’s difficult to tell.

Reading over some of the copy on the page, and listening to Vanilla Ice talk about the promotion… it’s hard to believe that the promotion folks behind this thing are sincere. “We need to target the young kids. They like the rap. We should make a contest where they can rap about taxes.”

Well, ok. At work I’ve seen a promotion where we had to use a graphic given to us by McDonald’s, which included the words “Wake up and Smell the Sauage.” Now – beyond the fact that I, apparently, have the mind of a 5-year old… seeing that graphic has me fairly convinced that horrible ideas can make that long trek from boardroom table to web page, uncontested.

The other possibility is that whoever created this TurboTax Rap idea expected trainwrecks. And, in fact, the submissions would be used for nothing more than sheer ridicule.

Either way, I guess they succeeded, since it got us at work talking about it, and I’m sharing the link here.

Slow-motion trainwrecks. I just… I just don’t know what to think.

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. i just noticed the weird lady in the top right of the screenshot. She’s smiling, wearing a red sweater, and giving us two thumbs up… wtf? More evidence that the wackiness was intended.

    ben Reply

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