Visiting Kansas City, Part 3

The next morning, with all the gifts under the tree.

Liz reveals a gift she made her dad: a fruit cake that’s been in the works for 2-3 weeks. Before now, I’ve not been that familiar with fruit cakes. This one has at least an entire bottle of Kentucky bourbon in it! To fully prepare one, a fruit cake needs to sit something like 3+ weeks.

Napoleon, who I first met… well, just about a year ago, to the day.

Darryl, posing with Paige and Isabelle.

Jackson, getting the whole gift-unwrapping bit down.

Well, sorta.

Isabelle, taking a photograh, with a little help from her dad.

Isabelle unwrapping a gift all by herself.

Darryl, who went upstairs during breakfast to help Paige fall asleep… falls asleep himself.

Jackson, Anne and Isabelle.

Playing with the train set. Isabelle’s all about sending the train down the ramps; Jackson’s all about terrorizing the small town.

Paige, ready for the airport.

Jackson and Isabelle, waving goodbye.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Liz,We had your fruitcake (FRUITCAKE!!!) for our Xmas-dinner desert today. !!!!!How can we get you to help us celebrateMLK dayValentine’s DayPalm SundayEasterMemorial dayEtc.with similarly wonderful concoctions?

    F-Jeff Reply

  2. I like the fruitcake but Dad will only let me have a tiny piece at a time. I think he just wants to eat all of it himself!Love, Isabelle

    Isabelle Reply

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