No Pranks: My “Out of Office” Email Backfires

Last week, I took Friday off as part of my Valentine’s Day weekend. On Thursday, the day before I was out, I decided to send out an email to let the rest of the design team know that I’d be out of the office.

Also, we were slated to have some folks from Corporate in on Friday, looking around the place and generally checking things out. So of course, I decided to have a little fun with my email:

From: Felix

To: Jane, Chris, Bryan, Allison, TJ, Nick, Masha

Subj: Felix Out on Friday, 2/15

All –

I’m out tomorrow (Friday, February 15th). Please feel free to call my cell
in the event you need something.

Also, since we’ll have auditors around the office tomorrow – no pranks. No
like, putting a whiskey bottle next to my keyboard, or some such thing.

Please leave my whiskey bottle where it belongs, in my drawer under the file


Fast forward to today. After a long weekend, I returned to the office and do my usual morning routine: come in, turn on the computer, put away my lunch in the fridge, put away my coat in the closet. As I’m walking back to my desk, I noticed on my computer screen… I have a new desktop image:

I’m starting to see a trend here. Although, I guess I was pretty much asking for it, with that email.

You really need to see this image in all its hugeness and glory. Check out the image at full size, as that post-it not just cracks me up to no end.

This was an awesome way to start up my week, and had me smiling all morning.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. The peanuts are a very nice touch, as is the scheduled nap!

    Layla Reply

  2. cashews!

    ben Reply

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