Snow Day in Yorkville: Mike’s Time-lapse Video

Several weeks back, in early February, we got hit with some substantial snowfall. During that time, we had a half-day at work due to the strong weather. Many of the folks on our Affiliate team (living farther out in the suburbs) were told to work from home the day prior.

Today, Mike passed along this link to a great time-lapse movie he made on that day. He set up a camera pointing out his window, and distilled about 3 hours down to 3 minutes. The video showcases the end of the day, and you’ll see people coming home from work, kids getting home from school.

I love how the footprints and tire tracks slowly disappear, as more snow falls. As someone else who creates projects involving snow, I think the neatest parts are the people involved, the interactions.

In my opinion, the best part of the whole video is at around 1:30, where the camera captures the same kid doing donuts in the cul de sac not once, not twice… but THREE times. And you’d better believe that seeing donuts in time-lapse is as delightful as it sounds.

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