Easter in Frankfort

Liz and I went down to Frankfort today, to hang out with her family for Easter. This was the fantastic spread on the table that greeted us, on walking in.

On each plate, everyone got a little marshmallow treat.

There was a mini-easter-egg hunt in the house, and one that both the adults and kids competed in. There were specific eggs (gold ones) that were for the adults, and a ton for the kids to find. While the regular eggs had candy in them, on opening the golden ones… each egg had a piece of paper, with a name and a trivia question.

If you got the question right, the person whose name was on your paper got a gift (and you got a point). If you were unable to answer the question, it became a “free play” question, open to anyone else. On answering that question correctly, that person got a point.

At the end of the day, we all got our prizes and Tricia ended up being the big winner (3 points). Next year, I should study up more on my US History and Geography before coming down.

The food, as always, was pretty fantastic. But the Pièce de résistance was the lamb cake dessert. On seeing this, of course my first thought was… what’s the best way to cut this thing?

A bit later in the evening, as the women talked at the table and the men adjoined to the living room… I was hanging out some with Paige. I turned my camera’s video screen around, so that it was facing the same way as the lens. After Paige showed interest in the camera, I shot a bit of video… basically showing her herself. I had a hard time not laughing and shaking the camera, as I watched her watch herself.

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. that lamb cake is something else!

    ben Reply

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