I Propose Marriage and Liz Says Yes: We’re Engaged!
Liz and I have (secretly) been ring-shopping and browsing for some time now. It’s something I never really posted or updated on here because… that process wasn’t really something I wanted for public consumption.
Needless to say, we decided on a ring. Or more accurately, we built our own from scratch. We worked with Jim Hansen (Liz’s uncle) at Windy City Diamonds, who was incredibly kind and patient with us throughout the entire process.
So the ring wasn’t an complete surprise to Liz. While we visited Jim several times to construct the ring… I took over near the end, and the “when” of things was left up to me. I worked with Jim to complete the ring, and today around noon is when I finally decided to pick it up.
The ring had been ready (and truth be told, so had Liz) for some time now. But I wanted to wait until the weather was a bit warmer, as there was a particular spot where I wanted to propose.
Today, at lunch, I picked up the ring and from the moment I walked out of the store… I realized I couldn’t really wait another day to propose. I had some thoughts about trying to see if it might get warmer tomorrow, or the next week… but in looking up at the sunny sky, ultimately decided that today was the day.
On my way back to work, I called up Liz and we talked a bit about dinner plans (I had called earlier, asking if she wanted to go out to eat). I mentioned having seen a place downtown that I wanted to take her to, and she sounded a bit disgruntled. Today she was at home, and so coming downtown meant she had to trek all the way in to the city. I could tell she sounded a bit put-off, but I mentioned that the place I’d be taking her to was a surprise – and would be worth it.
On meeting up with me at work, the two of us walked down Jackson over to Michigan. I was trying to be pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, and later heard from Liz that she noticed I was “smiling an awful lot.”
Editorial aside: The photos below were taken after popping the big question. But I’m sort of re-creating the whole process here for your benefit, dear reader. For the record, I wasn’t documenting each step of the way (I was way too nervous). Most of these shots happened after the fact.
On walking up to the fountain area near the Art Institute, I noticed that the whole area was empty and gated off. Crap!
I had anticipated the fountain still being empty and not active yet… but had no idea the area was blocked off. I paused by the gate and looked in, feigning interest in wanting to go and take a photo of the fountain. Liz looked around, and as I was debating climbing up onto the nearby concrete ledge… she spotted another gate nearby.
This was the entrance we used, the two of us squeezing through the brush on the far right. After I pushed through, Liz looked over at me and asked if she should come in as well. When I said “yes,” I think she knew something was up.
A view of the fountain area. I first learned about this spot from Liz, who took me here for lunch in the early months of our courtship.
It’s one of Liz’s favorite places in the city. And to me, it represents a place that was always present, but something I never knew about, or saw… until she came along. The times we’ve gone to lunch here, I’ve pulled myself out of my regular work routine; out here for lunch, it’s a brief reprise from the day. And it makes me remember all the other important things in my life, that are outside of work.
This photo I took while pretending to photograph the empty fountain. About 30 seconds after this was taken, I asked Liz to come over to hold my camera and then dropped down to one knee.
I was pretty nervous the entire time. I think I had more in my head than what I actually said, as a lot of it disappeared the moment I knelt down. All in all though, I think I did a good job as Liz teared up a little bit, during my proposal.
One of the funniest things was… after I popped the big question, she simply started kissing me and saying “oh, honey” over and over. And it went like that for a while, until I had to ask her what her answer was.
And yes. It was yes.
The ring, a few moments after proposing. It’s hard to believe that over two years ago, thanks to our friends Justin, Shirley and Will, Liz and I met one another almost by pure luck.
In looking back, I shudder to think where I’d be now without her. I can’t imagine my life without her. I’ve found someone who’s willing to put up with my grumpiness, my stubbornness… my terrible snoring and my propensity for narcolepsy.
More than one friend (especially after tasting Liz’s cooking) has advised me to “hold on and don’t let go.” And well… that’s pretty much what the plan is from here on out.
Afterwards, we headed over to Maggiano’s for dinner. I was just here a few days ago with Liz’s folks (Julie and Bob), to ask for their permission and blessing. And since it’s also one of Liz’s favorite places as well, it seemed like a good spot to celebrate.
The whole rest of the evening, it was interesting talking with others as I wanted to let everyone know we just got engaged… whether it came up in regular conversation or not. Cab drivers, servers, anybody. While we were waiting for the bus to get to the restaurant, I fought the urge to lean over to strangers and announce our engagement.
Inside Maggiano’s, while we were waiting for our table, Liz went to the bathroom and I was sitting at the bar. The bartender asked if I wanted anything and my reply was “Not right now, I’m going to wait for my… for my… uh… fiancé.”
That moment felt a little weird and a little great, all at the same time.
We ordered up some champagne as a pre-dinner celebration. And I gotta tell you, the rest of the night… it was difficult NOT to notice the ring. Almost every gesture and movement had my eyes shooting right back to Liz’s hand.
The folks at Maggiano’s were excited to hear we just got engaged, and surprised us with a complimentary dessert plate. The tiramisu there on its own is to die for, but coupled with even more sweets… man. It was difficult to find the room to fit this in, but I somehow found a way.
Our server, Jennifer, was really nice and offered to take our photo for us. This is the two of us, newly engaged for all of maybe two hours.
Yay us!
HOORAY FOR FELIX & LIZ!!!!!Congrats you guys… and Felix, we’re considering tackling you when you get in this morning.
Jane (April 10, 2008 at 9:13 am)CONGRATS!!! if liz didnt get you felix, you woulda been allllll miiinnneee. oooohhhhh yeah.
bryan (April 10, 2008 at 9:20 am)Love you lots. :)P.S. You look really sly in that last pic. of us at Maggiano’s.
the fiancé (aka Liz) (April 10, 2008 at 9:43 am)Sly, eh? It’s almost as though I got away with something. :PThat look is my “I can’t believe I got her to say ‘yes’ look.”
avoision (April 10, 2008 at 10:06 am)I can’t believe it took so long… when are you going to have kids?
Alex (April 10, 2008 at 10:08 am)Woah, now. Hold on there. One day at a time, my friend.I think we’re having kids tomorrow.
avoision (April 10, 2008 at 10:13 am)Good things do happen to good people! I’m very happy for you both, and not at all surprised.
Justin (April 10, 2008 at 10:15 am)Oh really?!
liz (April 10, 2008 at 10:19 am)Hot damn, you guys. I’m so happy for you both; it almost makes me want to tear up a little bit.
Mellzah (April 10, 2008 at 10:32 am)Felix, this is just the BEST! I’m sure the news will be on boingboing in a few days.
jim f. (April 10, 2008 at 10:32 am)I may have miscalculated.
avoision (April 10, 2008 at 10:33 am)Congrats, Felix & Liz!I wish I was there in person to give my well wishes in person.Love is being sent to you both from Portland.xoxo
JMe (April 10, 2008 at 11:54 am)awesome my man, welcome to jungle! All the best to the two of you!
bolo (April 10, 2008 at 12:09 pm)Congrats on becoming engaged.And yeah, I think that thinking about babies should wait until tomorrow. Or at least what feels like tomorrow.Good chance it’ll show up on Boingboing I think.
Yreka (April 10, 2008 at 12:17 pm)I am happy for you both. Very nice story a pleasure to read. Congrats.
Donna Dene (April 10, 2008 at 5:19 pm)Congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats!!!This post really made me cry, I’m so happy for you two! I’ve been reading this blog before you two started going out, and truth be told, I never imagined that anything like this would be set out for your future! But still, this is the most happiest blog post yet!!!OH! And beautiful ring by the way!!!
Just a reader from the Netherlands that called your machine once. (April 10, 2008 at 6:55 pm)Felix & Liz, congratulations! I’m so glad for both of you. I’ve had my eye on you two and I was hoping it all would lead to this. Hooray! I am sending big happy hugs to you both! And ninety-five thousand exclamation points — with much love.
juliet (April 10, 2008 at 10:55 pm)Hey Cousin! Congratulations to you and Liz. Your engagement is great news. When is the big day?
Andrew (April 11, 2008 at 10:06 am)congratulations, you two. You two are a heap of goodness.
ben (April 11, 2008 at 2:56 pm)thanks for sharing! i love those fountains and i can only imagine the fun liz will have with designing wedding invites since she is a paper lover like moi!sooooo beaming happy for you both.ps. um, the ring? fan-TASTIC!
aimee (April 11, 2008 at 3:37 pm)In response to Aimee:I think I look down at my hand about every 20 mins or so and smile. I love it too. Felix did a good job didn’t he?!
liz (April 11, 2008 at 4:19 pm)yahoooooo! congrats you guys; this is awesome news! (nice job on the ring, mr. jung…)
gretchen (April 11, 2008 at 4:36 pm)Congratulations! As I read the story, a big smile came over my face. The ring is BEAUTIFUL!
Katie Sherman (April 11, 2008 at 6:46 pm)Felix and Liz, I am so happy for the two of you. I had asked Kirt a couple of weeks ago if he thought your relationship was “moving” towards a permanent comment! I had a feeling, but yet I am very surprised. The ring is very unique, exquisite and “you”! I can’t wait to see it in person. I’m in Houston right now and Madonna and baby Kellen are with me. Madonna read this blog to me out loud and I had goose bumps and tears in my eyes! Felix, I had no idea you were so sentimental and romantic! Congratulations and may you have many happy years together. Much love, Jennifer.
Aunt Jenny (Jennifer McGann) (April 11, 2008 at 10:06 pm)Oh my god, I’m so happy for you both! Congratulations!You made my bout of insomnia tonight SO worth it! I haven’t been able to read the whole post yet because I’m crying!!!Love and hugs! Jason and the kids will be so excited in the morning!
Layla (April 11, 2008 at 11:07 pm)Congratulations Liz and Felix!! I heard the news thru the family grapevine – your mom to my mom and so forth.. YAY! The ring is really beautiful!
Courtney (April 14, 2008 at 8:51 am)Congrats – and sorry it’s taken so long to post! I can’t think of a better match to someone special and unique like Liz than you, Felix. You BOTH look like Cheshire Cats in the last picture! And what a beautiful story of the proposal….I thought maybe Xmas, but glad you found a time that was right for you both and will be full of memories. We’re all so happy for you, your dad was beaming all night.;)Enjoy this special time, and remember what the engagement and wedding are about – You and your love for each other!
Anne Holder (April 28, 2008 at 2:05 pm)Felix & Liz,Mazel Tov (congrats in Hebrew) and may you only celebrate happy times. You two look so totally in love and might I say, the ring in FABulous!!-Mere
Mere Glassman (May 6, 2008 at 8:20 am)Mere beat me to the Mazal Tov. I had deliberately avoided (pseudo-pun intended) your blog for some time cause I was anticipating an engagement and am delighted to read today, only 2 months after the fact, that you two are getting hitched.Many blessings. Let me know where I can send a gift.Your wacky contact in J’lem,Rachel
Rachel (July 3, 2008 at 2:29 am)Dude, it’s a good thing I finally decided to catch up on friends’ blogs during the days off I’ve had! Congratulations, and many happy wishes! Y’all got engaged about a month and a half before Chris and I — we’re getting married 2 months and 2 days after you. Man, I really should stay in better touch with people!
Abbey (January 20, 2009 at 10:55 am)I’m remiss for being out of touch as well. Late congratulations to you and Chris! Happy to hear the news.Marriages for everyone!
avoision (January 22, 2009 at 6:17 pm)Felix, I have to say that while Liz radiates joy in your pic. at Maggiano’s, I looked at you and immediately thought of the phrase “The cat that swallowed the canary.” The ring is just spectacular and it looked even more beautiful, when I glanced down at her hand, when the two of you were holding hands in the pew of the Culver Chapel Saturday! Cousin David will be able to come to your wedding, too, so please add him to the list of those attending.Much love,Aunt Carolyn
Aunt Carolyn (August 25, 2009 at 11:26 am)Thanks Aunt Carolyn. :)I’ll make sure add David back in too.
Liz (August 25, 2009 at 12:36 pm)