Old Table, New Table: Work is Complete!

A few weeks after she began refinishing the table… it’s all done! Liz put on the final coat of varnish over the weekend, and the table looks abslutely stunning. It’s so much darker and richer than what it was originally… it’s difficult to believe it’s the same table!

We found the table last year, on the same day I moved to Logan Square. Not too shabby for a mere $30.

For a full history of how the table came to be (and also progress photos of the table, at various stages), here are a few older posts:

Moving to Logan Square: $30 Table
Table Refinishing, Part 1
Table Refinishing, Part 2
Table Refinishing, Part 3
Table Refinishing, Part 4

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Wow, what a transformation!!! Kudos to Liz!

    Allison Reply

  2. this is really impressive. fantastic work, liz!

    ben Reply

  3. That looks fantastic!

    Mellzah Reply

  4. It’s really a crazy makeover/transformation, especially looking back on the original images.I’m looking forward to us hosting a little dinner party, just to… you know, make sure the table still functions correctly. Gotta test these things out.

    avoision Reply


    Jane Reply

  6. Looks really good…Love it!

    jasowinski Reply

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