A Lazy Day Planning the Big Day

We had a pretty wedding-planning-filled day today. The morning was spent watching Rick Steve’s Europe DVD’s, looking around for possible places to go on our honeymoon. After that we went through a few chapters of “Bridal Bargains,” going over all the things we need to know before getting a site for our reception.

It was a pretty lazy, laid back day today. Lots of planning, but with none of the stress that sometimes comes with this stuff. Liz and I were hanging out in the sunroom, which is rare for me (it’s been a while since I’ve done some studying in these chairs).

Really relaxing day, with a lot of plans and good information. Slowly and surely, step by step… we’re a-gettin’ married!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Hey, I’m glad you took my suggestion and checked out that book. I hope you’re finding it realistic and helpful (as opposed to being all sappy-goopy-you-must-have-this-and-spend-$9,000).

    juliet Reply

  2. Thanks for the suggestion.:) I figured we had some “extra” time before we have to pick a venue/date for the reception. So I thought what better way to spend that time than to do our research. (It’s already making me ill seeing how much people spend on weddings.)

    liz Reply

  3. Hi Juliet! This book has been really pretty great, and has a ton of practical info. I like the fact that it doubles as both a “how-to” book, as well as a “watch-out-for” book, all at the same time.

    avoision Reply

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