Images From My Wrist MRI
After getting Parallels running well on my iMac at work… I was able to fire up the CD that contains the MRI scans of my wrist.
There were a lot of different data files (maybe 12-15 total), and this was one of them I was able to fire up. Your guess… is as good as mine.
In addition to these still images, you could have the camera move and it showed you a spinning scan. Think of those fancy 3-D images you see in movies… but dull it down a few notches. The motion was a bit clunky, and you could set it to two modes: Loop (where it just played in a non-stop loop) and Yo Yo (where it played start to end, and then reversed itself, end to start).
A slightly more disturbing view of my hand. To me, it looks like an aerial view of a small neighborhood with an interstate running nearby.
Again, no idea if this looks right or if something is horribly wrong. I have another appointment with Dr. Wiedrich on Wednesday, and I guess I’ll find out then.
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