Wedding Reception Recon: Lincoln Park Zoo
I took the day off work today, to go with Liz to scout out a possible wedding reception location. Today we had an appointment to meet with someone from the Lincoln Park Zoo, to talk about different spots, pricing, rules, etc.
I didn’t take too many photos, but we did a fair amount of wandering around. It was also raining a bit, which… was actually a good thing, as we could see what a “worst case scenario” looked like, if it ended up raining on our wedding day.
The images I captured were all post-meeting, where Liz and I were more or less just wandering around, checking out different places on our own.
In the Lincoln Park Zoo Greenhouse.
The best part of the day was outside the Greenhouse, where I heard a boy talking to a friend as they were walking out: “Fern room? I don’t even know who Fern is!”
Liz and I have seen the seals before (they’re a favorite of hers). But today was the first time I saw their keeper come out, and throw in some toys to the water.
I think that, inside those buoys… there are fish. Today was the first time I had seen the seals push out beyond the tank’s boundaries. For a few moments there, I was positive they would jump the gate and send kids screaming in all directions.
Visiting Lincoln Park Zoo for the First Time
An Afternoon at the Zoo + Crepes for Lunch
Polar Bears and Meerkats
Valentine’s Day Continued: Lincoln Park Zoo
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