Tweeting with the Birds: Up Early, Working on a New Flash Project
Recently, I signed up and created a Twitter account. Did some exploring around, checking out the API and generally how things work.
I’ve got an idea for a new Flash project, which I’m pretty excited about. I’m maybe 40% through it at the moment, but there’s definitely a feeling with these things… it’s something that just stays in the back of my head, and I’m always thinking about it, no matter what else I’m doing at the moment. Typically, that’s a good sign.
If I was able, I’d call off work for the next 2-3 days, go get some strong coffee and turn up some music for 10+ hours a day. Honestly? That sounds so incredibly good, I can’t even tell you how appealing that notion is right now.
To me, this is the worst part of these types of projects. The interest and motivation is there, but the time simply isn’t. I know it’ll be at least another week before I’ll have this thing working the way I want… and that’s a week longer than I’d like.
Ah well. Stay tuned – should be a pretty fun one, once I get it up and running.
For now, I’m still getting used to sending messages to Twitter. It’s an interesting service, and after using it a bit… I can see why so many people find this enjoyable, and fold it into their daily routine.
I’ve also added in an extra module to the blog (over on the right), which should show the last 5 posts made to Twitter. It causes pages to load a bit erratically (especially when Twitter gets busy), so I may nix it after a while.
If you’re on Twitter and are interested in following me, you can check out my updates here. I promise I’ll get a bit more active on my account.
Off to get a bit more coffee, and to get back to coding.
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