Bob and the Frankfort Brass Band: Frankfort, IL

To cap off the patriotic weekend, Liz and I travelled to Frankfort to attend a Concert on the Green. Today, in addition to the Joliet American Legion Band… the Frankfort Brass Band was also playing (featuring Bob on percussion).

We got to the concert early, and set up camp with a blanket, chairs, and food/drinks.

A photo-op of the Frankfort Brass Band. The band itself (and the tuba near the base of the stage) dates back to 1897.

Random sidenote: a few weeks back, I helped Bob set up the banner (in back), prior to another concert. As we were tying it up, he mentioned wanting to lessen how much it flapped in the wind. Today, I happened to notice that he centered the entire thing with PVC pipes – no flapping at all!

Playing around with the zoom feature on my camera.

Liz and her mom crochet a bit, prior to the show.

This book cracks me up every time I see it.

Bob, introducing the Joliet American Legion Band to the crowd.

It’s a bit hard to see, but over the course of the past hour more folks gathered onto the lawn.

Color guards, with the flags of the Armed Services.

Frankfort Fall Festival, 2006
Waterballoon War, 2006
Frankfort Fall Festival, 2007
Waterballoon War, 2007
Christmas Lights at Breidert Green Community Park

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