Good Bye Bryan, Good Luck Peabe
With great sadness, this is something I’ve known for a while now… and something that many of us knew at work: Bryan is saying goodbye to Emmis Interactive, and heading out to the West Coast. He’s going out there with Jamie, and will be pursuing his artistic career full-time.
While it pains me to see him go, there’s this rightness in his decision. He’s had great success here in Chicago with his artwork, and I can only imagine great things for him out west. Everyone else at work knows this is a great thing for Bryan, despite the fact that we all really don’t want to see him leave. It’s for the best, but it’s also just not going to be the same kind of workplace without him.
Allison, who’s been his cube-mate for two years, arranged his going-away present. Along with Jane, the two of them gathered up donations from everyone and purchased a CRAPTON of paint.
On top of that, she strung everything together with one big long piece of string, and added a custom note to each item.
In the main conference room, Allison presented Bryan his going-away gift.
In addition to the great gift, Allison pieced together (with Chris’ help) a pretty fantastic retrospective video of Bryan’s time with us. I donated a ton of images, and she put everything to a pretty spectacular soundtrack. Here’s a snippet of the crowd reaction:
Click here to view the full Bryan Retrospective video. FYI: it’s 37MB, mov.
Fast forward a bit to the post-work gathering, over at Rhapsody. Allison, Masha and Jane chatting together.
Tequila shots. Fast becoming the standard group-celebratory-drink of choice.
Our server was kind enough to take a group photo.
Bryan, looking excited as per usual. Chris, sporting the EI t-shirt design that Bryan made.
Aaaaaand more tequila.
Outside, Sabrina and AJ talk with Bryan and Jamie.
Looking out at the El, saying our goodbyes, and heading out.
Goodbye Bryan, and good luck. And for everyone else who didn’t have the pleasure to work with him on a day-to-day basis… remember that you saw him here first. Keep an eye out for the name Peabe!
Everyone… Meet Bryan
Care Bear Bryan
Bryan Has a Substantial “To-Do” List
Peabe @ A.Okay Offi
cial: The Return of Dr. Aquard
Peabe Featured in Mini Documentary: Hello My Name is Chicago
Skeleton Hoodie
Will the REAL Bryan Odiamar Please Stand Up?
Best of luck to Bryan and all his future endeavors. You can highlight his artistic talents, and his unique style all you like, but I’m glad (and surprised) to see that his magical “bring em back” hugging powers were captured in his retrospective video ;)
Scott (July 23, 2008 at 8:53 am)His hugging powers work, but apparently not so well… as you still haven’t come back here. :(As a sidenote, we all tested our own individual hugging powers on Bryan as well. I don’t think we have any of his special abilities, but it was worth a shot…
avoision (July 23, 2008 at 9:32 am)