Late (and Foggy) Night at Wilmette Beach
Lisa was back in town this weekend, and Liz, Jake, Alexandra and I met up with her for dinner over in Wilmette. We had dinner and drinks outside at C. J. Arthur’s, and watched the sun set.
Unfortunately, there were a lot of sad circumstances all around. Lisa’s back in town because her family had to put their dog, Shilo, to sleep. And Alexandra recently lost her grandmother. While we all had a nice time and enjoyed seeing one another, there was a bit of sadness that carried throughout the evening.
I have some fond memories of Shilo from last year, when Liz, Jake and I travelled down to visit Lisa’s family in Arkansas. In particular, I have a snippet of video that includes both Tus and Shilo together.
After dinner, we parted ways with Alexandra and stopped in to Lisa’s parents’ house. From there, we walked over to the public beach nearby and hung out near the water.
As we got closer to the beach, the air got thicker and mistier, and the visibility just totally plummeted. I was reminded of an early November night in 2003, when I walked home from Danny’s.
Jake and Lisa walking ahead towards the beach.
Seeing all the playground equipment in this lighting was a little freaky.
Same goes with the volleyball nets. I had this odd sensation that it was a post-apocalyptic world we had stumbled into. After a few minutes though, the thick air and limited visibility got to be pretty normal.
From the entrance, there was a plastic boardwalk that led down to the shoreline. Up ahead it’s Liz and Lisa, with me staying behind to try to capture the feel of the area.
Looking backwards towards the entryway.
The lights looked like hazy suns, and made every silhouette look pretty cool.
Jake, getting a good look of the entire beach from the Lifeguard chair.
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