Request for Encouragement: Liz’s Upcoming Cumulative Exam

For the past 3-4 weeks, Liz had been studying pretty much nonstop for an upcoming cumulative exam. It covers much of the stuff she’s learned in grad school to date (she’s studying Statistics), and it’s one of those pass-or-you-don’t-graduate kind of exams.

Needless to say, she’s been experiencing a little pressure/stress of late.

Here’s a photo I took of the kind of things she’s been writing down. It looks like all sorts of gibberish to me, but she assures me this all means something or other. When she talks to me about studying, and goes into the details of what she’s working on… I typically just nod and say “ok” a lot.

It’s been a few weeks of her doing little more than going to work, attending classes, doing her regular homework, and then studying. On top of that, a week and a half ago, she asked to take a leave from her part-time job so that she could focus more fully on her studying. Since that time (I swear to you), she’s had literally every hour planned, in terms of her study schedule.

I’m serious here. We use Google Calendar to track things, and I’ve seen the planning.

For those of you who read this site, whether you know Liz or not… it’d be awesome if you could drop a few words of encouragement, here in the comments. She’s been studying incredibly hard, and really doing little else besides. I’m sure that, going in to the final stretch, she’d appreciate any kind words folks could send her way.

The big exam day for her is this Saturday, and takes place from 9AM – 4PM.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. OMG! I can’t believe you’re including Half-Life in your research! It’s absolutely one of my favorite game series, too! Liz, we have SO much in common!**(besides the fact that I obviously have no idea what the mathematics pictured are supposed to mean, I am confident that your superior math skills and your unending charm will conquer any test along your path to greatness)Good luck, godspeed, and I look forward to buying you a celebration drink!PS – I’m going to need you to run some numbers on a few dicey investments I may have gotten myself into… when you have time, of course.

    chris Reply

  2. That writing looks very similar to my homework in my Japanese class!Best of luck on the Test Liz! Imagine them in their underwear…..or uh….don’t spit in the wind…wait that’s not it….crap……OH(!) I wear my sunglasses at…shit…….Knock’em Dead! I hope you ace it!:)

    Justin Reply

  3. What an amazing amount of work you’ve put into this!! BEST OF LUCK on Saturday!!! I have a feeling you will do splendidly, Liz! :)

    Allison Reply

  4. Liz – are you going to DePaul for grad school?Good luck on Saturday. I am certain you will do well.

    Jen Reply

  5. I am sorry if this posts twice – but I wanted to be sure to send along my encouragement. Having just completed grad school not that long ago – I know how a few words can help. I know you will do well since it’s clear you have prepared yourself – but I wish you the BEST Of luck on Saturday.jen

    Jen L. Reply

  6. Don’t pull a Chicago Cubs.

    Bartman Reply

  7. Come on LIZ you can do it!! Hard work will pay off!!

    TJ Mapes Reply

  8. Try to be best‘Cause you’re only a (wo)manAnd a (wo)man’s gotta learn to take itTry to believeThough the going gets roughThat you gotta hang tough to make itHistory repeats itselfTry and you’ll succeedNever doubt that you’re the oneAnd you can have your dreams!You’re the best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you downYou’re the Best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you downYou’re the Best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-ownFight ‘til the endCause your life will dependOn the strength that you have inside youAh you gotta be proudstarin’ out in the cloudWhen the odds in the game defy youTry your best to win them alland one day time will tellwhen you’re the one that’s standing thereyou’ll reach the final bell!You’re the best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you downYou’re the Best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you downYou’re the Best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ho-how-ho-ownINSPIRING GUITAR SOLOYou’re the best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you downYou’re the Best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you downYou’re the Best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-ownFight ‘til you dropnever stopcan’t give upTil you reach the top (FIGHT!)you’re the best in town (FIGHT!)Listen to that soundA little bit of all you gotCan never bring you downYou’re the best!Around!Nothing’s gonna ever keep you downYou’re the Best!Around!

    Brian Reply

  9. almost…there…..! :)what will you do to celebrate when it is over?

    g Reply

  10. Best of luck with the studying, the final crunch, and the exam on Saturday! Hope you have a wonderful night planned to celebrate when it’s all done!

    Layla Reply

  11. Thanks for all the kind words, all. We’re both in the office right now, and as I’m typing this Liz is studying away at the desk behind me.After the exam, we’re going out for a nice, fancy meal to celebrate. Some good food, and some drinks.Probably stiff drinks.

    avoision Reply

  12. Yes, it’s true I’m studying…Well, I was studying till about 11:40pm and then my brain slowly shuts off on me at a certain point. So it’ll be a major cram session tomorrow. Ugh.I have been studying for 3-4 weeks, and 10+ hrs a day for the past two weeks solid and I still feel under-prepared. :|When 4:15pm hits on Saturday I hope to be soaking in the tub while Felix gives me a hand massage, for my poor, cramped writing-hand.Yes, I am going to grad school at DePaul… can’t remember who asked…Thank you everyone for leaving me messages. :) I was actually having a hard day, the day Felix made the post, so it really cheered me up.Besides being incredibly nervous about the test, I also can’t wait to take it, since it will mean I can resume my normal life again.33 hours and counting…And additional props need to go out to Felix! He has been cleaning, doing all the laundry, all of the cleaning and more over this past month and a half. He’s become quite the house-husband/fianc?©. Love you lots!

    Liz Reply

  13. How did it go, Liz?? I hope you were able to relax yesterday and enjoy a day of not studying.Congratulations, again – you should be very proud of yourself!

    jen Reply

  14. Hi,*Sigh*I feel soo much better. I can DO things again. I went out yesterday to some of my favorite stores, just because I could. It felt nice.Felix welcomed my return to “normal life” after the test with a fine glass of beer and a hot bath. :) He also took me out to dinner Saturday evening. We had martini’s, steak and potatoes, AND dessert. :)Thanks everyone for the kind words. It meant a lot getting the shout-outs.

    liz Reply

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