Texas Holdem Tourney, Post-Work Poker Game

After nearly 10 months since the last game (where Eddie was the winner), and nearly a year since I last played Holdem in the office… a bunch of us got together for a post-work round of poker.

Above, it’s Eddie and Phil, with the coveted Lord and Master Stein in the foreground.

Phil, Jane and Katie. Not pictured and also in attendence (I was mostly focused on playing, and didn’t take too many photos) were Chris, Ben, Jeff and Mike.

Fast forward late into the game, it’s down to four of us: me, AJ, Eddie and Katie (photo by Phil).

The view from where I’m sitting. Note the large stack of chips in front of everyone else, and my short stack there on the left. Yeesh.

A few hands later, AJ and Eddie go in head to head. I forget who moved all in (I think Eddie did, and AJ quickly called). When they flipped, Eddie had pocket Jacks and AJ had pocket Aces. Here’s the result:

After the battle above, I held on for a few hands… but ultimately got knocked out within a few rounds. AJ and Katie went back and forth, with AJ ultimately taking the big win. Sadly, I didn’t record the final hand as I was helping to play dealer at the time.

AJ, victorious. Behold the new Lord and Master!

Tonight, I seemed to continue the same style of play that I always fall into – doing well at first, winning a few decent hands near the start. Then, I sort of lay back and wait things out. After a good win, I start to get a little sloppy and over-confident, playing junk that I shouldn’t in an attempt to make things happen. I start to imagine I can pull shit off like Gus Hansen, and just throw chips out to see what happens.

Always though, I tend to eke my way through to the money. I barely have anything to work with when I get to the end, but I get there. Still though – placing third isn’t all that bad. I just need to figure out how to arrive at the end with a little more firepower.

Looking around the room, it never ceases to amaze me how large things have gotten at my company. Playing poker on the big conference table is a huge shift from the small table we used to play on, back in the old, old space. In talking with Mark and Chantelle tonight, I was reminded of one of our older, classic games where the prize was an honest to goodness light saber. We do tend to have nice prizes/trophies for the games we play, here.

Congratulations to AJ, who now owns two of the travelling office trophies – the Lord and Master Stein, AND the Rock, Paper, Scissors Trophy.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Gus is my hero…..seriously. I am also a huge fan of Daniel Negraneau but Gus is the man

    jen Reply

  2. Many years ago, I was really into watching the pros play poker (back when the WPT would come on regular TV super late at night). Knew a lot of the personalities, and just really enjoyed watching all the hands unfold, and all the strategies work themselves out.I remember getting DVDs from Netflix, and rented this one by Annie Duke entitled Advanced Texas Hold ‘Em Secrets – How to Beat the Big Boys , and it was just totally fascinating. She talked about how she researched FBI interrogation manauls to get tips on how to tell if someone is lying or telling the truth, stuff like that.Lately, I’ve watched a lot less TV and movies and such. And after even just thinking about the pros and their styles/approaches, it’s making me wish I was home on the couch, watching a few rounds of the WPT right now.

    avoision Reply

  3. Felix, why does your site play a little song every time it’s finished loading? That freaked me out for the longest time, until I figured out it was your page playing that song.

    juliet Reply

  4. The song is a tune that was stuck in my head for some time, and something I added to the blog last May. It was my little attempt at audio branding, and I wanted to see what it would be like adding that bit of sonic decoration to the site.

    avoision Reply

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