Brunch at Justin’s Apartment

The Galts were in town this weekend, visiting Chicago once again. And in looking things up, they were here exactly one month ago to the day!

Last time, they were here for a coffee convention; this time around, it was for the International Home and Housewares show. They were planning on scoping out some new purchase as part of their plans for expansion.

Rather than head out for brunch at a restaurant (which is always harder to manage with kids), everyone gathered at Justin’s apartment for some eggs and coffee.

Hepped up on more sugar than normal, Johanna shows off a bit of bubble wrap.

Frida, a bit tuckered out.

Rob, coloring with the kids. Note that he brought along some sketches/outlines that he did himself. Talk about a great uncle! As some of you may remember, Rob’s done this sort of thing professionally before.

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