Carousel: Philips Video Featuring Clowns and a Slow Reveal
Wow. I’m sitting here eating lunch in my office, and casually browsing the web. Happened across a link to this video that seems like an ad for Philips.
My jaw is on the ground. There’s a bit of clown creepiness going on here, but nothing that should make you squeamish.
Definitely go for the high quality 20MB version. Simply amazing.
//Edit: Ok, there’s some neat stuff when you click on the “Behind the Scenes” segments, but it’s obviously actors shilling about how great Philips is. A little neat, but it kills the strength of the video.
It’s akin to seeing a really beautiful car on a dealership lot, only to have a sweaty Used-Car Salesman show up to tell you how much of a “beaut” the vehicle is. You had me and then you lost me.
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