Auto-Tune the News: Current Events Put to Song
Auto Tune the News is a hysterical and fantastic spin on the current events, putting them into song. Listening to this, everything just sounds wonderful.
This is the first version, entitled “March Madness. Economic Woes. Pentagon Budget Cuts.”
This is another version (Pirates, Drugs, Gay Marriage). Not quite as good, but in the same vein. The absolute best part is the Katie Couric segment (around 1:21), where she talks/sings about the ice caps melting in the North Pole.
Actually, ignore the entire rest of the video. The only good part (and it’s a GREAT part), is Couric’s segment.
On hearing these, I’m totally reminded of the Vocoder-riffic phone call between Akon and T-Pain.
[via BB]
U ever see this Felix? Erin sent it to me…very funnyhttp://www
TJ Mapes (April 24, 2009 at 10:13 am)I need to find the software that lets you do this auto-tune vocoder stuff. It’s just so freaking hilarious…
avoision (April 24, 2009 at 11:58 am)