Meeting Rachelle for the First Time
Losing early in poker last night actually gave me a bit of luck on the train. On the way home I happened to run into Rachelle, right as we were both getting off at California.
Rachelle’s site is a blog I’ve followed now for almost five years now. Wow – just looked that up, and I can’t believe it’s been that long.
The odd thing is that I don’t really know Rachelle. I happened across her site by chance, and ended up just becoming a regular reader.
Chatting with her on California was, at the start, a little awkward. I felt genuinely odd that I knew so much about her life, and had never met her or even talked to her in person. Truth be told, I felt right creepy, as I knew intimate details of her life… like when her apartment got broken into. Things like that.
After talking a bit though, particularly about our blogs, it felt less weird. Every once in a while I’d say something that would creep me out, and wind up laughing about it. Rachelle mentioned she was heading home to pack for her vacation, and I repsonded with “Oh that’s right, because you just finished that book you were reading.”
She mentioned to me that, on occassion, strangers will recognize her either from her blog or from her work with Chicagoist. And that it’s more unsettling if it’s a random, unexpected thing.
That’s not happened to me really, but I imagine Liz must feel something similar – in talking with people she might not know or see often, but who know a lot of details about her life. I’d be curious to know if Dallas has the same kind of interactions, as a result of being a big part of Rachelle’s site.
At some future point, I’d be interested in grabbing a drink with her and chatting blog stuff. I feel like I’ve been keeping a pretty detailed blog for a while (coming up on seven years now), but she’s got me beat by at least a year or two. She’s one of the few people I know of who’s run a blog for as long (or as detailed), and there are a ton of things I’d be interested in asking, topics to pick her brain about.
In writing this, I still find it odd that I know so much about her life. Given when I see updates in my RSS reader, I also get the sense that she wakes up early and posts on her site before the work day begins. I’m also guessing she browses around on other sites early in the AM, like I do (hi Rachelle).
Funny thing – this seems to be the year for me to meet people I’ve “known” for a while.
Sidenote: Across the street is Panaderia La Central, a bakery that Rachelle and I have both blogged about.
Stumbling Across Rachelle’s Site
Test Drive
Weird Dreams
Blogs that Actually Update, Female Gamers and Paying Attention: Nintendo DS Lite Promotion
Friends for Eight Years, Meeting for the First Time
I’d be interested to hear Liz’s thoughts on this…
margaret (May 29, 2009 at 8:34 am)Not too bad of a photo for having just washed my hair and left the gym with it still wet and everything!I don’t find encounters like this as odd as I used to.. well, maybe still when it’s just a random person on the street, but since you read my site, and I read yours and we have exchanged emails.. it was actually nice to run into you “forreal” for once.Re: Liz/Dallas: Dallas and I have been together 5 years. My blog is older than that. He knew about it before he ever met me. That said, I don’t really share too detailed of personal stuff.. even though, to the average reader, it might seem like I do. There’s a ton of stuff that I won’t touch on the site.Still…. once Dallas was out with his friends and I wasn’t there and he was recognized in a bar… from photos on my site. This girl kept asking him questions about Hawaii and stuff. One other time we were both out at the Whistler and a lady thought she recognized me and then when she saw Dallas it sealed the deal.. she came up and talked to me. I’d say you’re easy to recognize.. but especially when I saw you and Liz standing on the platform one morning.. I knew for sure it was you guys!When I get back we should grab a drink.
Rachelle (May 29, 2009 at 9:56 am)I can totally relate to this post! So much so, it made me laugh out loud, especially since I came across your blog in the same, random way. Before I even started reading it, though, I was thinking, “I know that bakery! It’s right across from Taqueria Moran!” It’s weird when I recognize venues/locations that you take pics of even though I know you too live in Chicago. That being said, when I read the post, I was thinking…uh-oh…what happens when I recognize the Avoision gang on the street??? I can smell the awkwardness already! : O )
Marty J. (May 29, 2009 at 2:19 pm)oh no. now im going to have to subscribe to marty’s blog and then try to avoid seeing her at the california stop!
Rachelle (May 29, 2009 at 3:00 pm)hahaha. it’s a good things i rarely post pictures of my whole face. only my third chin, and my body flying through the air. although, perhaps you have stellar third chin identifying skills?
Marty J. (May 30, 2009 at 4:44 am)Now you know what it’s like to talk to you, Felix. :)
juliet (May 31, 2009 at 12:33 am)