Pecha Kucha Prep, Practice Runs

All my slides are officially submitted for my Pecha Kucha talk, and the main event is now only a few days away.

Moved my iMac out into the living room today, to plug it in to the television. I’ve got my slides set up through Keynote (the same way it’ll be set up at the venue), and have been doing several runs through my talk.

It’s overkill maybe, but I wanted to get out of the habit of practicing while sitting and staring at a computer screen. I wanted to get comfortable with how it’ll actually be set up: namely, with a large screen to my right. I also figured that practicing the talk while standing wouldn’t hurt, either.

I’m feeling better about things, but I’m leaving my computer out here for the time being – so that I can do a few more practice runs Monday and Tuesday. From what I remembered of speech class, you only get nervous speaking if you don’t know the material.

And while I’m comfortable with nearly everything (I’ll be talking about my projects, after all)… the 20 seconds per slide is still a bit tricky. I’m trying to get a better handle on pacing, delivery, timing.

Looking forward to Tuesday, and filled with a sort of nervous energy, sometimes good sometimes bad. I’m thinking too that it might be nice to write a Pecha Kucha prep post, sometime after the event is over.

Getting prepared for this talk has been markedly different from any other speaking gig I’ve done. It’s been a pretty unique process so far.

Official Pecha Kucha Chicago Site
Pecha Kucha Prep
Press Release: PechaKucha Night Chicago presents Volume 9
I’m Presenting at Pecha Kucha Night in Chicago, June 2nd

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