My Pecha Kucha Guide on Presentation Zen
Found out I got a nod from Garr Reynolds over at Presentation Zen. Earlier in the week, I saw that he was soliciting some stories from folks for his upcoming book. I ended up sending along the Pecha Kucha Guide I made, after attending Pecha Kucha Chicago, Volume 9.
I’m absolutely flattered that I got a mention on his site. I came across Presentation Zen ages ago, after seeing a post entitled Gates, Jobs & the Zen aesthetic, and recall really liking his observations and breakdown of the differing styles. Up until that time, I hadn’t really thought of presentations much, beyond the base mechanics of getting up in front of a crowd and just talking.
Reynolds has some great resources on his site that I referred to more than once, in my planning. He’s got some excellent advice on delivery as well as slide design. Definitely check out his presentation tips if you find yourself getting in front of a crowd in the future.
Congrats on getting mentioned by Garr Reynolds. I work for Peachpit Press and thought you and your readers might be interested in knowing that he just released his first online streaming video, Presentation Zen: The Video, where he expands on the ideas presented in his book and blog. The DVD is now available for purchase as well. More info can be found here:
Kara (June 23, 2009 at 2:17 pm)