Baxter Gets a Bunny Cottage

Several weeks back, when we took Baxter to the vet, we came back with a cardboard box or two… and cut out a little “house” for her to stay in. So far, she’s really liked it, but took to hopping on top of the box and slowly biting away the roof. Thinking she might like a little more room for exploring around, Liz purchased a cardboard “house” from BinkyBunny and it arrived over the weekend.

Now that we’ve got Baxter in a gated area, there’s more room for things like this.

All neatly packed, the whole cottage is just a series of folded cardboard cutouts.

It’s mostly three pieces: two “floors” that attach into the larger folded exterior.

A few doors and windows, here and there.

As incentive, Liz set up a few pieces of Brussells Sprouts at each level.

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