A Brief Set of Wedding Photos
Liz and I stayed up way too late last night, going through many of the photos that our photographer Stu (and his assistant Frank) took of our wedding.
This is a small drop in the ton of photos we have, but I just quickly grabbed a few and wanted to post them up here to share. We have SO many more amazing photos. Documenting the day on the blog here is going to be a really huge and really fun endeavor… but for some time in the future. For now, here’s a quick peek into what the day was like:
Me and Liz, shortly after meeting for the first time.
Kissing, with balloons in tow.
A fun group photo of the (sunglassed) wedding party.
At the wedding ceremony, me reading my vows to my future wife.
First kiss as a married couple.
On the way to the reception, we stopped to pick up a magazine…
Everyone loves a chocolate moustache.
The dining area at Maxim’s.
Cutting our amazing (and amazingly huge) cake, made by Amy Beck.
The cake topper that Liz’s mom made by hand.
Liz’s stepdad Bob helped to build this fantastic cutout photo wall, which provided no end of entertainment for the evening.
Here’s me and Liz toasting one another.
such great photos, such a great day!
ben (September 16, 2009 at 8:37 am)These are a w e s o m e. Beautiful shots and congrats again! You guys look marvelous!
Justin (September 16, 2009 at 8:47 am)You guys sure are photogenic! As Nigel Barker would say, “the camera loooves you!”. :) Looks like Stu got some great shots. That portrait wall was such a fun idea too… can’t wait to see more!
Allison (September 16, 2009 at 9:18 am)So far looks like a beautiful day! I’m so happy for you!And I know you’ll have an amazing time in Paris!That photo wall is INCREDIBLE. I’ve never seen that idea before – SO clever. I am seriously going to steal that idea. What a cool thing for any party for adults, kids, anyone.
Layla (September 16, 2009 at 10:43 am)Felix,It’s Kim’s friend Gina (from the canoe trip). I still follow your blog…CONGRATULATIONS! And I love, love, love the photo of you looking up Liz’s dress. So hilarious, the look on her face and just the idea that you would even think to do that just cracks me up. I have never seen a wedding photo like that before, it is super. And the portrait wall, brilliant. I can’t wait to see the rest of the wedding photos. I am certain that you will have many, many happy years together.
gina (September 16, 2009 at 7:41 pm)Liz, you looked STUNNING! And Felix, you cleaned up quite nicely. Well done you two, well done!
Sprocket (September 18, 2009 at 11:03 pm)i was just googling pilsen wedding photos because i saw some awesome wedding photos being taken down here the other day, and i came across your wedding photos, which are just lovely. besides the fact that they’re lovely, i was shopping at depaul this same day and saw your wedding party outside. anyway, beautiful & fun photos! happily ever after to the two of you.
nicole Hack (October 8, 2009 at 6:17 pm)What a nice bit of serendipity! Nicole, you know that my (now) wife is Elizabeth (Liz) Holder, right? Who also works at DePaul? Apparently, when I mentioned this comment to her… she told me that she knows you from high school, since you were both friends with Nicole Dudik.
avoision (October 8, 2009 at 9:03 pm)Hey Felix, watched you through your wedding planning and have been helped greatly with my own, thanks to the great ideas you and Liz had. One question: where did you get the big balloons from in Chicago? Thanks a million!
Nadine (January 8, 2010 at 2:24 pm)Hi Nadine,I ordered the balloons online from Wholesaleballoons.com (Buy with caution from them. I had to email them several times to check the status and for them to mail them out.) I believe they’re 22 inches or 30 inches in diameter. You can blow them up as large or as small as you like though.If you’re in Chicago, I’m pretty sure that Doolin’s has some. Give them a call, they’re always really nice and helpful. That’s where we also rented the helium tank from. They’re located at the Grand, Milwaukee, Halsted intersection. They have free parking on the side of the building too.Glad we ended up helping you with the wedding planning. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions. :)
Liz (January 8, 2010 at 11:08 pm)