We Are All Connected: Autotune Video, Featuring Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson
This makes me feel so good, it’s hard to describe. It’s the same feeling I got when I saw Discovery Channel’s “I Love the Whole Word” video – it’s a deep down, core, to-my-toes kind of good feeling.
I have a deep respect for Carl Sagan, thanks to my old college roommate Jim. And hearing these scientists, and hearing their ideas sung? It just kicks things up a notch for me.
Way back when I was in high school, my choir teacher talked to us about musicals and why they exist. She said that in musicals, when the situation grew to a point where words couldn’t express what was going on, that’s when the songs took over.
There’s a grandness or, more specifically, a shared grandness that’s encapsulated in the ideas of these individuals – and it’s made that much stronger by music. Call me a sap, but I totally dug this stuff. Autotune, FTW!
More info (and videos) over at The Symphony of Science. [via MetaFilter]
Auto-Tune the News: Current Events Put to Song
AutoTune the News #6: Michael Jackson, Drugs and Palin
I Love the Whole World: Discovery Channel Ad That’s Just Awesome
The fact that Autotune Sagan sounds a bit like Kermit the Frog makes this even more endearing.
avoision (October 29, 2009 at 6:48 pm)