Has Emmis Interactive Been Naughty or Nice?
This year, as is the tradition for tech companies, we made a little interactive Holiday Card to send out to clients and friends.
Here’s the concept: everyone at Emmis Interactive shares one naughty and one nice thing they’ve done. Visitors are encouraged to look through all the things we’ve done and to vote. You get to play Santa a bit and to decide whether we, as a company overall, have been Naughty or Nice.
It’s a silly card, but hopefully quite fun as well. I learned a few things about my coworkers, and hope that others outside of the company can get a glimpse of the culture here – a workplace, as Justin termed it, full of good people.
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Photo Shoot at Work
Master of the Slopes (Holiday Card, 2006)
Found (Abandoned) Dog, Logan Square Animal Hospital
Found (Abandoned) Dog, Vet Visit at North Avenue Animal Hospital
Found (Abandoned) Dog, Turned Over to Rescue Group
Found (Abandoned) Dog, Henson’s Post-Surgery Update
Found (Abandoned) Dog, Post-Surgery Pics of Henson
Those naughty deeds are LAME! Except for burning down the port-a-john. And tempting kids with cake and eating it yourself. But as for the rest, you all need to improve your naughty things for next year!
juliet (December 17, 2009 at 12:29 pm)I agree with Juliet, pretty much everything other than the port-a-john was lame. I want some DIRT, Emmis Interactive!
Mellzah (December 17, 2009 at 10:38 pm)Man… tough crowd.
avoision (December 17, 2009 at 10:45 pm)…but it was a cool idea….
juliet (December 20, 2009 at 9:58 pm)