A Little Help, Please?
I’ve got a little favor to ask.
Do you use Facebook or Twitter? Would you mind helping me to promote this little Nintendo DS contest of mine? I’m trying to drum up some more visibility for this giveaway, and I’ve more or less done what I can. If you’re reading this and could help me spread the word, it would be a huge help.
I know that my own network is pretty limited and small. I’ve posted here, on Facebook, Twitter, and sent it around to a few other sites. If the act of one person passing along the link is then multipled by everyone I know, well then… the result would be some kind of large and complicated number that I can’t really talk about, because it hurts my brain too much.
So far I’ve gotten three submissions (two from people I don’t actually know IRL, which was cool). It’s safe to say right now that the odds are really in your favor, should you decide to participate and send in a photo. You should trust me on this, given my impressive mathematical background. And by impressive mathematical background, I mean me marrying someone with a Master’s degree in Applied Statistics.
// Sidenote: I realize that if you’re entered in this contest, you probably don’t want to advertise it at all. It’s to your benefit to keep the numbers low, and the odds of you winning, up. But I’m hoping you’ll help me advertise anyway, out of the spirit of competition. And also because I’m asking nicely, and saying “please.” :)
Well, I entered the contest, and I posted a link on FB…. But most of my friends live outside the US….Posting a DS could get pretty expensive, maybe you should restrict foreign entries to 2nd prize (which actually looks more interesting anyway)?
Jay (March 9, 2010 at 5:50 pm)A random drawing does inspire “the spirit of competition.” However, if I win, I’ll totally plug your blog on my blog and ask more people to submit photos!Maybe you should have a plug my blog competition, where you count the amount of traffic that gets sent your way?
Cousin Ellen (March 9, 2010 at 11:03 pm)I meant DOES NOT inspire!PS are dogs allowed to enter the contest?
Cousin Ellen (March 10, 2010 at 2:36 pm)Sorry, no dogs. People only!
avoision (March 10, 2010 at 3:39 pm)I’m ok with sending it outside the US (though I have to admit, I don’t know what those costs are).Glad you’re interested in the book – it really is a great read, and really well written.
avoision (March 10, 2010 at 3:41 pm)Plugged ya today, hopefully it drives some new faces your way! :)
Mellzah (March 10, 2010 at 10:15 pm)OK fine, I sent Minhee’s pics anyway!
Cousin Ellen (March 12, 2010 at 9:59 am)