The Nintendo DS is En Route!
Sharon, the Nintendo DS that you won is headed your way! I finally stopped off at UPS yesterday, and got this guy in the mail (and sent you the tracking number via email). Sorry again for the delay.
Jay, as I mentioned in my email to you… sending the book via mail (to Australia) was ridiculously expensive. Via UPS it clocked in at around $120; if I sent it regular mail, it came in around $50. It didn’t make sense to me to spend $50 to send a book, so my plan is to send you cash instead. Which you can then use to buy the book (or not). I knew sending it would be expensive, but didn’t plan on it being THIS expensive. My bad on that.
Thanks again to all who played along and sent in a photo. I’ve still got a small pile of things I’m looking to give away, but it’s just sat here on my windowsill for about two weeks. We’ve been so busy with packing for the move that I just haven’t had time to set up another giveaway.
I should have something up for grabs in the next couple of weeks…
Photo Contest: Win My Nintendo DS + 6 DS Games (and a Pretty Sweet 2nd Place Prize Too)
Nintendo DS Contest: And the Winner Is…
Nintendo DS Contest: Gallery of Photo Submissions
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