Spilling the (Coffee) Beans
I was in line at New Wave Coffee this AM, and grabbed a pound of coffee beans from a nearby display. As I was checking out the info on the bag of coffee beans, I turned it forward a bit, so I could see better.
Apparently, someone had opened up the bag to smell it… because the next thing I knew, I scattered about a third of the beans all over the floor in front of the register.
The sound was like a hundred tiny maracas. When it happened, there was a split second thought of “what’s going on?” that flashed through my mind. And then I think I closed my eyes, because it hit me what had just happened.
To compound things, this happened while I was standing in line. So the wave of coffee beans rushed around the feet of those in front of me. Whenever someone moved and stepped on a coffee bean, there would be this crushing *crack* as the bean burst into pieces.
I went to the counter and asked for a broom, but the guy behind the register said to not worry about things. After a few more minutes in line (and a lot more crunching), I decided to just go behind the counter and grabbed their broom. Swept up everything and dumped it in the trash.
Ah, the joys of being embarrassed in public. It’s been a while.
Metropolis Coffee at the Logan Square Kitchen Pastry Market
Being in line in front of Felix, during the time after the ‘big spill’ I could feel the embarrassment radiating off of him. My poor honey. I have to admit, I just laughed out loud (at work) reading this post. heh
Liz (April 26, 2010 at 12:14 pm)